2023 In-Person Spring Symposium Native Plant Society of Texas

02/25/2024 08:45 AM - 12/06/2024 04:20 PM CT


Join us in person at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center for the 2023 Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) annual spring symposium celebrating native plants!



Native Plant Society of Texas Spring Symposium Agenda

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Symposium 8:45 am – 3:30 pm, Tours from 3:40 to 4:20 pm

In person at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center


9:00 am – 10:00 am        Conservation Projects 2023
David Bezanson – The Nature Conservancy
10:00 am – 11:00 am Riparian Vegetation – Creekside Tour
Ricky Linex –Native Plant Society of Texas
11:00 am – 11:20 am      BREAK
11:20 am – 12:20 pm Dealing with KR Bluestem and Other Invasive Plants
Charlotte Reemts – The Nature Conservancy
12:20 pm – 1:20 pm LUNCH
1:20 pm - 2:20 pm Native Bees, Plants and Habitats
Laurel Treviño Murphy – Jha Lab, University of Texas
2:20 pm – 3:20 pm Native Texas Hummingbird Plants
Roger Sanderson - Naturalist, Horticulturalist, Landscape Designer
3:20 pm - 3:30 pm CLOSING REMARKS
3:30 pm - 4:20 pm Wildflower Center Guided Tour


Registrants will be emailed links to session recordings approximately two weeks after the symposium.

Registration Process
The first time you sign up for an event and/or become a member, NPSOT creates a secure account for you. When you "click to register online", a "login" screen pops up. If you know your NPSOT login, please log in. If you have never accessed your account or cannot remember the login information, fill in your email address, and click "recover account". Follow instructions in email sent to you. You may also click on the "X" in the upper right hand corner of the pop up screen - however, if you do this you will be charged the non-member fee. If you need assistance in registering, contact admin-assist@npsot.org.

Upon registration look for: Immediate NPSOT confirmation email (check junk mail)

NPSOT Merchandise
Buy t-shirts and other merchandise at our Cafe Press store. 

Member Discount
$65 - Non-members
$50 - Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) members
$50 - Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center (LBJWC) members
Become a: NPSOT member and/or Wildflower Center member

Contact: Meg Inglis, meg.inglis@npsot.org or 512-589-1316. Fees may not be applied to future events. Cancellations made by midnight on Monday, February 20th are eligible for a refund. Upon cancellation, a $5 handling fee is deducted from the refund. Thanks for your understanding in this matter.

Registration: Renata Lucia, admin-assist@npsot.org
On-Site Assistance: Meg Inglis, meg.inglis@npsot.org or 512-589-1316 (phone or text)